Male Masturbation Versus Female
Male Masturbation
Positive effects of masturbation:
- Relief through ejaculation
- Climax for fun and pleasure
- Induces sleep
- Relaxes you
- Eases tension Negative effects of masturbation:
- Masturbation lowers the sperm count
reduces your chance of conceiving.
- Frequent masturbation will take longer
to satisfy you and it will also take longer for
to ejaculate.
- Vigourous movements will cause
Myths on masturbation: - You will not grow hairy palms when bat mitzvah dresses
- There is lack of evidence that regular
ejaculation will affect your erection.
Female Masturbation
Positive effects of masturbation:
- Masturbation reduces the risk of cervical
health problems
- Relieves stress
- Strengthens vaginal muscles
- Helps you sleep - Enhances the mood
Negative effects of masturbation:
- If your hands are rough, your genitals
get scratched.
- Social stigma related to masturbation can
lower your morale.
- Masturbating women have no trouble
reaching orgasm during intercourse.
Myths on masturbation:
- Blindness - Infertility
- Sexual weakness
- Loss of weight and decrease in organ
- Decreases the libido