Where can i start. Without crying. This vacation comes to an end tonight. Its time to close 2017 soon. I always smile knowing my moms and my buddy are doing well. Im proud of where i am in life. Working all the time for my shel. But one man changed me, my pops. That man is my father. He will continue to guide me and mold me into the role model to my buddy. My dear shel. My beautiful girl. I wake up to your smile everyday. Your perfect in everyway im so lucky to have you. My mom. Oh mom... You helped me grow up faster then i expected, thank you. And my buddy. So many memories that you will never remember. But your big bro wont disappoint. To my family, im sorry im always working but i gotta keep it up. I gotta remember one man can change the world. To the best of friends and to the best of family a man can ask for. Thank you god... Thank you modest style selections for prom and formal party